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Design Proposal for Gwangju Folly, 2016


SPIN FOLLY focuses on the fountain, the symbol of gathering space for historical events especially Gwangju Democratization Movement, in Gwangju. The fountain had recently been isolated in the traffic island, but it is now being re-activated in the centre of the plaza as a part of new Asia Culture Centre. In that context, the proposal aims to create an evocation of the place and landmark of the cultural city of Gwangju as a revitalization device for the city of Gwangju. Circular ramp between an outer perforated wall and an inner translucent polycarbonate wall provides the view to the surroundings as well as the vague image of the fountain. Visitors on the viewing deck will have a panoramic view to the city of Gwangju while the outer wall can be used for media art wall for the cultural events.


SPIN FOLLY (스핀 폴리)는, 역사적인 5.18 민주광장의 장소성과 새롭게 문을 연 국립아시아문화전당과의 연계를 통해 미래 광주를 드러내며 조망하는 구심점으로서, 시민과 방문객들의 직적접인 공간에 대한 경험을 통해, 장소성의 환기와 문화도시로의 브랜딩 장치로서 역할을 한다. 


Client: Gwangju Biennale Foundation
Type: Open Idea Competition
Size: 20m (Diameter), 7.2m (Height)
Location: Gwangju, Korea
Architect: skimA
Date: Jan 2016
Status: Design Proposal

Team: Sejin Kim, Seong hoe Song


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