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The International Competition of City Main library Gwangju, Gwangju, S.Korea - PROPOSAL

The proposal of City Main Library Gwangju aims at creation and integration of a cultural complex platform harmonized with incinerator facilities which will be transformed into cultural facility.


As there is a possibility of regeneration plan within the site area, our design approach respects the current site condition to minimize impact on the site for efficient and cost saving and to maximize the potential of the existing trees, greenery within the site. Also, we propose a series of phasing development in conjunction with Gwangju City’s plan to preserve the existing incinerator buildings. First, as a new construction, we propose New City Main library in position. Second in phase 2, we assess a heat supply facility has a potential with its location near the Gwangju stream and the form of cylinder which can be an intervention as a new external lobby for the site of cultural complex as well as a viewing deck looking down the stream and surrounding area. Finally, for the incinerator building, we propose the transformation strategy which can be dramatically turned into the mega space which can provide an unusual spatial experience with its scale and the trace of the original function and history. In that sense, we believe Trinity of ‘New Construction’- ‘Intervention’- ‘Transformation’ will harmonize together as the integration of a cultural complex platform.

Linear form which is generated from the site condition. Simple mass is gradually opened up to create main library space as a gently sloped space called ‘carpet’ to maximize open plan where users can navigate throughout the entire floor with great greenery view outside. The space underneath of the sloped floor is naturally generated as an external deck space where linked with surroundings. 

Library contains two voids. One is external and the other is internal atrium. External void is strongly connected with external deck to create a volumetric spatial experience. The space facing the void is consisted of a series of glass chimney space where users can get a cozy and private reading atmosphere while looking down and up through the void. Internal void space is stacked each floor as like a terrace atrium to uniform the whole floors together with daylight through louvered roof into the ground floor. By these two spaces, library provides new way of reading, learning, navigating within the bright, comfort and massive container which is floated by truss cantilever structure. 

Project: International Competition for City Main Library Gwangju
Client: Gwangju Metropolitan City
Type: 국제설계공모 / International Design Competition
Location: 1163 Chi Pyong Dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

Use: Library

Gross Floor Area: 11,000㎡
Architect: skimA

Date: Jan-Feb 2020
Status: Proposal

Team: Sejin Kim, Yunseon Cho, Hwieun Ahn, Teakhyun Jung, Janghwan Suk

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